Lowongan Kerja PT Bumi Nickel Morowali
PT BNM merupakan salah satu perusahaan pertambangan nikel terbesar di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memiliki peran penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nikel global, yang merupakan bahan baku penting bagi industri baja tahan karat, baterai, dan elektronik.
Operasional PT BNM memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap ekonomi dan pembangunan di wilayah Morowali dan Sulawesi Tengah secara keseluruhan. Perusahaan ini mempekerjakan lebih dari 10.000 karyawan, baik dari tenaga kerja lokal maupun luar daerah.
PT BNM juga berkontribusi dalam pembangunan infrastruktur di Morowali, seperti pembangunan jalan, jembatan, dan sekolah. Selain itu, perusahaan ini juga aktif dalam program-program pemberdayaan masyarakat, seperti pemberian bantuan modal usaha, pelatihan keterampilan, dan program kesehatan.
PT BNM berkomitmen untuk menjalankan kegiatan operasionalnya secara berkelanjutan dan bertanggung jawab. Perusahaan ini telah menerapkan berbagai upaya untuk meminimalisir dampak lingkungan, seperti penggunaan teknologi ramah lingkungan, pengelolaan limbah yang efektif, dan program revegetasi.
Lowongan Kerja PT Bumi Nickel Morowali
1. Contract Measurement Officer
Qualifications :
- Review services requisition’s scope of work, specifications, concept, budget estimate, format and supporting documents provided by the requesting area, to ensure the compliance and completeness of all documents for further analysis.
- Perform technical and commercial analysis of high complexity services requisitions from the requesting area through market consultation, tax/legal verification and careful detail budget estimate analysis to ensure the maturity of the services requisition.
- Ensure the availability of services that require continuous supply through the monitoring of the execution, available budget and resources and contract timeline to ensure the continuity of services for the company.
- Evaluate and validate the measurement bulletin to ensure that the payment given to the third party is according to the actual works and contract document clauses.
- Analyze and critize contract budget and expenditure in monthly basis to ensure that all spending are in accordance with agreed work plan and cost.
2. Junior Procurement Analyst
Qualifications :
- Prepare Request for quotation/Tender/Contracts for all contract requisition or purchase requisition within the targeted services level, meeting and fulfill customer requirement with low costs within the compliance of procurement procedures.
- Clarify and collect all information and specifications, establish good relationship and communication to assure the goods and services meet user requirement.
- To assist in preparing bid analysis and evaluation matrix and make recommendations for approval following the authority matrix. Ensure that tender clarification process is fully documented and communicated in accordance with tender instructions.
- To seek opportunity of economic supply goods and services to achieve cost effective. Obtain report of procurement savings to achieve annual procurement savings target.
- Provide comprehensive and accurate documents to electronic and manual record system for all contracts. Fully auditable. Ensure that critical documents related to monitoring compliance with contract conditions are provided to administration section.
- Directly assist sponsor at required and requested service level to in Contract Administration tasks, including performance metric, performance reviews, payment, settlement of disputes. Proactive to Supervisor in raising any concerns regarding the compliance with contract conditions by either party.
- For all service contracts ensure that all required information maintained in procurement related to contract activity is accurately and effectively reported in accordance with company reporting criteria. Ensure confidentiality of all information.
- Fully participate with cross –functional teams and Procurement teams as directed. Ensure that information is properly researched, prepared, and presented to assist with team objectives and that full commitment to the team is maintained.
- Ensure that all contractor profiles appropriate to tender activity are provided to administration function.
- Ensure that EHS requirements in contracts are properly researched and approved and are appropriate to PTVI requirements. Strive to ensure that EHS requirements are fully recognized. by contractors and establish direct communication with EHS department in the event of any discrepancy or lack of adherence, by any party, that has not been immediately responded to by the contract sponsor or contract manager.
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan pekerjaan ini, bisa melamar ke link berikut:
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Semua proses dalam seleksi rekruitmen tidak di pungut biaya, GRATIS !!!
Dan hanya pelamar yang sesuai kualifikasi yang akan di panggil.
Kami juga menyediakan informasi lowongan kerja lainya, mulai lowongan kerja Manufaktur, Bumn, Migas, Mining & Pemerintahan. Teman-teman bisa langsung cek di lokernusantara.com
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